UNTITLED…as of yet

(Performance for Future of Love Project)at chapter ARTS CENTRE.

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Untitled… (as of yet). A scored performance presentation with my brother, mapping our potential futures, navigating through questions arising from collision of ambiguous personal histories- memories how they take shape in transforming our perception of the present. I consult a fortune teller, a hypnotherapist, 3 fold woman golem (Buddha of the future) and my grandmother.


Untitled…(as of yet). At every opportunity contemplating the future brings upon some sort of self imposed nostalgiaan unpacking of memories attempting to get to the bottom of it all, I suppose (in limbo) As I sort through the items which reappear some rosy, some haloed by a hazy glow or even not to be trustedsome stink so bad they make me turn them back over so I no longer see their underside I must be about half way there I guess Not contemplating death that frequently Though I seem to encounter it often enough- recently Like a stray neighbourhood cat purring & playing tame, Against my legs Silky one way Velvet the other. Taking liberty to soften his nest in my lap with his claws Life seems to have a strange though distorted symmetry I supposeOn the surface of things A premonition wishing itself somewhere Between the beginning and the end. Only sometimes the other way around.

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